
Museums-Pass-Musées by Otipass

Museums PASS Musées is a digital cultural Pass accepted by more than 250 museums, castels, gardens and other cultural sites located in France, Switzerland and Germany. It grants a free access during one year to all permanent and temporary exhibitions of the concerned museums to the Pass holder plus 5 children under 18 years.
Officially launched 1st July 1999, MUSEUMS-PASS-MUSÉES is the first tri national cultural Pass in Europe.

Following an international call to tender, Museums Pass Musées organization has chosen Otipass to supply the main back-office and all terminals necessary to read and control the use of the Pass. The NFC technology is involved in the project since the Pass is a plastic card holding an electronic contactless chip, read by the museums equipments, even when there is no steady internet connection available.

Since the start of the digital version in 2013, nearly 100 000 subscriptions have been sold, 400 sites have been equipped to read the digital contactless card and over a million entries have been recorded. This project highlights the efficiency and the quality of the work done by OTIPASS.

Museums PASS Musées web site

Contact us

📞 +33(0)4 75 51 29 40
