The regional tourism committee of the French Riviera has selected OTIPASS to take over the creation, management and accounting administration of the Côte d'Azur Card Pass. The objective of the region is to favor the total digitization of this Pass on mobiles using bar code technology. To validate the Pass, the service providers associated with the device, will be able to use either existing handhelds or their own mobiles thanks to an application provided by OTIPASS.
The technical tool will create different Pass:
- with a number of consecutive days and a certain number of activities, for example, 3 day Adult Pass including 18 activity
- with a number of days to choose over a given period, for example 3 days of activities over 6 days,
- with a limited number of activities to choose from among the activities of the Pass over a period of extended validity, such as Pass 5 activities to choose from 30 activities over a period of 1 month
The schedule fixes the launch of this new Pass in March and about forty providers should be associated with this device.
This project closes a beautiful year 2017 for OTIPASS and augurs well for the next year.